Managed web Hosting: the ability to maintain a large website without employing the staff to support it
Managed web Hosting: For who have no time and knowledge to manage the server can go for managed web hosting
Renting of a web server or part of a web server from a provider of web hosting is known as Managed Web hosting. Provider of web hosting helps the user to maintain the web server. He helps user to configure and setup the web server for websites, administer database etc. Managed web hosting gives the user the ability to maintain a large website without employing the staff to support it.
Managed Web Hosting provides on-location technical support and allows the user to customize the server as he wants. Users who have no time and knowledge to manage the server can go for managed web hosting. There are several advantages of Managed Web Hosting such as users do not have to purchase his own equipment, he does not have to update or maintain equipment. User is not required to manage server operation himself as support is available to him.
But along with the above given advantages there are some drawbacks associated with managed hosting. Managed web hosting is very powerful but it is very expensive also which its main drawback. Managed hosting depends completely on Web Host Provider .If data transfer allowance limit is exceeded, a financial penalty is charged. Web hosting provider charges heavy monthly fees for renting the web server and for providing the technical support as well. The user owns only the data which he puts on the server. If user is unhappy with the services then he cannot walk away with the server as server is owned by the web service provider.
One should only go for Managed Web Hosting if he has a large website to launch and can bear up the cost of manage hosting. If the safety of equipments and data is important, and high bandwidth is required then one should choose managed web hosting. But user should have trust in the knowledge and the technical support provided by the web hosting provider. Before investing in the managed hosting, user should check up the speed and uptime of the connection provided by the web hosting provider as it is one of the most important factors for enhancement of the website business. If the site does not require a huge resource and the level of support that manage hosting provides one should not go for it.
Although managed hosting is similar to the dedicated hosting as both works on rented server but in managed web hosting technical support is also provided along with the server which helps user to manage server and so it becomes much costlier than dedicated hosting. Some people confused co-location with managed hosting but there is a difference between these two types of hosting available. In Co-location hosting user can store his own server at a facility of a co-location provider. An internet connection to the user server is provided by the co-location provider and allows user physical access to his own server whenever he requires it. While in Managed hosting user rent a server from a provider and get a technical support from him.