A Closer Look into website frames

A Closer Look into site frame If you need a more effective way to manage your website content

If you need a more effective way to manage your website content, Site frame is one program that may be of interest. Website frames is a lightweight content management system that gives you the ability to quickly build community-based websites. This user-friendly software allows a large group of users to send internal messages, share news stories and photos, participate in community activities and much more. Site frame permits this functionality through an intuitive web-based interface in an environment where users do not require experience with HTML or complex server-side programming languages. Open-source and totally free to use, this CMS is often a first choice of beginners and advanced webmasters alike.

this CMS is often a first choice of beginners and advanced webmasters alike

Features and Capabilities

There is a lot that can be performed with the Site frame CMS. You can build a corporate intranet application, a blog or even a subscription based site. Website frames is capable of dealing with wide range of content from articles and images to polls and custom URLs. This program enables the creation of a dynamic website that can be easily updated by you, the system administrator or other members of your staff.

The latest version of Site frame is loaded with features. Some of the most notable include:

Enhanced security

Prevents community users from running malicious scripts and distributing spam.

Smarty template engine

This popular template engine lets you instantly enhance your site with a number of HTML and PHP-based themes.

Community-oriented GUI

Site frame’s graphical user interface allows users to create folders that act as blogs and mini websites within the main community site. Administrators can easily manage each folder while users have the freedom to choose custom templates for their own web pages and folders.

Automated image handling

The most recent version of Site frame automatically creates thumbnails of photos and also lets you change them to the size of your choosing. This provides added flexibility when designing pages and managing your content.

RSS support

This feature allows you to integrate content from other sites via RSS feeds. In addition, Website frames provides RSS feeds on a per site, per folder or per tag basis, offering enhanced flexibility for sharing content throughout the community.

Ad Hoc pages

This is a unique feature that lets you create items that are not included as a part of the regular user-orientated content. This could be support pages or legal statements.

Administrative control

You can manage virtually every aspect of your site from the Site frame administrative control panel whether its viewing reports, editing files or performing routine maintenance.

System Requirements

In order to get the most out of Siteframe, your server must meet the following requirements:

Apache 2.0

Though it is speculated that Site frame may integrate well with other versions of Apache, Apache 2.0 is the confirmed and recommended web server platform.


A server equipped with PHP5 is a must for running the Site frame CMS. This has to do with many essential features that are not provided by other versions of the language.

MySQL 4.1 or higher

Website frames thrives off functionality that was introduced in version 4.1 of MySQL. Though older versions may work, they are sure to lack the database features that make Siteframe such a powerful system.

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