Backordering Domain Names

Back order domain names

Domain backordering is a practice employed by many expired domain name traders. This process can also yield positive results for someone who is after a domain they wanted but was previously registered by someone else. There are numerous services and registrars that will put you at the top of the list to better ensure your chance of getting the name you always wanted. Though effective, the success or failure of this process all depends on the cooperation and assistance among various registrars, the actual cost of backordering the name and most importantly, the inclination of the domain pursuer.

Backordering Domain Names

Every domain name is registered for a given time period in which the owner has a certain amount of time to make a renewal. If the domain owner fails to renew the name, the domain in question goes through a series of processes before being deleted from the registry. Below we have outlined the stages of the domain expiration cycle.(1)


When a domain owner fails to renew their domain name, the registrar places it under a Register-Hold status in which it can only be renewed by the owner. The grace period for renewal generally takes anywhere in between 30 and 45 days. At this point, the domain is disabled, meaning the owner cannot utilize basic features such email and links. In order to use these features, the owner must fully pay for the renewal along with penalty fees.


The Deletion stage is very straightforward as the registrar simply deletes the non-renewed domain name from its database.


The domain name can only be restored during this stage. Any requests for changes will not be granted. The domain remains in this stage for up to 30 days, during which the owner can only retrieve it by contacting the registrar. At this point, the renewal fee must be paid in full along with a penalty fee that can range up to $200. Once the fees are paid, the domain name enters a stage known as Pending Restore for a period of seven days. From here, common features such as web pages and email access are restored to the owner. Next, the registrar submits a restore certificate to the domain registry. After the Restore command and reports have been approved, the domain goes back to an active status.(2)

Pending Delete and Deletion

If a domain remains in the redemption period after five days, the name is moved to the Pending Delete stage which typically lasts for about five days. At this stage, the domain is deleted permanently and the registrar nor the registry can change its status. Once the five day period has expired, the registrar deletes the domain name from the registry. When this happens, all major registrars release the expired domain name back onto the market, making it available to whoever wants it first.

The Early Jump

The final two stages are the most crucial time period for anyone looking to capitalize on expired domain names. This is because the savvy registrants and traders are waiting and ready to snatch them up. The domain name backordering process is extremely beneficial in this case as it puts you ahead of the scavengers and can help you grab the domain name you have been eyeing.

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